Ralph Rowe Class Action

Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is a class action?

      In a class action, one or more people called “Representative Plaintiffs” sue on behalf of people who have similar claims. All of the people who have similar claims are called a “Class” or “Class Members.” The court resolves the issues for everyone affected, except for those who excluded themselves from the lawsuit by opting out. In this action, the Representative Plaintiff is Alvin McKay. He has been advancing this action on behalf of the Class and providing instructions to Class Counsel. 

    • What is this class action about?

      This class action is about sexual abuse committed by Ralph Rowe within the geographic boundaries of the Diocese of Keewatin between 1975 and 1987.

    • Who is included in the settlement?

      The settlement includes all individuals who were sexually abused by Ralph Rowe between 1975 and 1987 within the geographic boundaries of the Diocese of Keewatin and have not previously settled or otherwise released claims against the Synod of the Diocese of Keewatin and Scouts Canada. Class Members must have been alive as of May 11, 2015.

      The settlement also includes the parents of individuals who were sexually abused by Ralph Rowe between 1975 and 1987 within the geographic boundaries of the Diocese of Keewatin, were alive as of May 11, 2015, and have not previously settled or otherwise released claims against the Synod of the Diocese of Keewatin and Scouts Canada (Family Law Claimants).

      All Class Members except those who validly opted out of the lawsuit are eligible to apply for settlement benefits, are bound by the Court-approved settlement agreement, and will be covered by the releases in the settlement agreement. 

      If you opted out of this lawsuit, you are not included in the settlement. 

    • What if I’m not sure whether I’m included in the settlement?

      There are people who can help you understand your legal rights and next steps. If you are not sure whether you may be included in the settlement, you may call the law firm representing the Class Members, Koskie Minsky:

      Koskie Minsky
      900-20 Queen Street West
      Toronto, ON M5H 3R3
      Tel: 1-888-353-6661
      Email: [email protected]

    • What does the settlement provide?

      The settlement provides money for eligible Class Members whose claims satisfy the claims process as set out in the below FAQs. 

    • I am a Class Member. How much money could I get?

      The amount for each individual Class Member could be up to $350,000 total, depending on the circumstances of abuse, the extent of the harm suffered, the process chosen by the Class Member, and how many people make a claim. This includes compensation of up to $140,000 through a simplified process (without any cross-examination), as well as up to a further $210,000, if sought by the Class Member and depending on the extent of the harm. This is described further below.

      Schedule A

      Level Categories of Sexual Assault Compensation
      1 Fondling or kissing, touching, Rowe exposing himself


      2 Simulated intercourse, masturbation, repeated fondling under clothing $60,000.00
      3 Oral sex, digital penetration, attempted penetration, repeated mastrubation $110,000.00
      4 One or more incidents or anal penetration, repeated incidents of oral sex $140,000.00

      If a Class Member chooses to make a claim under Schedule A only, the Class Member will not be cross-examined by a lawyer representing the Defendants.

      If a Class Member is eligible for Level 3 or Level 4 compensation under Schedule A, the Class Member may also claim under Schedule B.

      Money awarded in a Schedule B claim is in addition to an amount awarded under Schedule A. For example, if a Class Member is approved for Level 3 under Schedule A and is awarded $120,000 under Schedule B, the Class Member will be paid up to $230,000 ($110,000 + $120,000).

      Schedule B


      Harms and Effect Caused by Sexual Assault

      Compensation Amount


      As a result of the sexual assault that is the subject of this proceeding: 

      1. the Claimant suffers or suffered from significant and lasting physical or psychological harm, including but not limited to a medically documented moderate mental disorder requiring medical treatment (whether or not received); or

      2. the Claimant has experienced a history of unemployability or under underemployability cumulatively in excess of one year; or

      3. the Claimant has experienced two or more of the following:

      (a) suicide attempts;
      (b) chronic abuse of alcohol and/or drugs;
      (c) extended periods of homelessness; and,
      (d) incarceration.

      Up to $120,000


      As a result of the sexual assault that is the subject of this proceeding:

      1. the Claimant suffers or suffered from significant and lasting physical or psychological harm, including but not limited to a medically documented severe mental disorder requiring hospitalization; or

      2. the Claimant has experienced a history of unemployability or under employability cumulatively in excess of three years.

      Up to $210,000

      If the total compensation approved for Class Members and other deductions from the settlement fund exceed the settlement fund, then payments to Class Members for approved claims will be reduced on a pro rata (proportionately equal) basis. 

      If you believe you could use the assistance of a counsellor due to stress or anxiety from making your claim, the administrator will pay you back for up to $1,500 in counselling fees.  If your claim is successful, any amount that was paid back will be subtracted from your award.

      More detailed information about Class Member eligibility and compensation can be found in the settlement agreement, which is available here.

    • How does the claims office decide how much money to give me?

      The claims office will review your Claim to ensure you are eligible and to confirm that you meet the requirements of the claims process. The Defendants’ lawyers will also review your claim and may elect to send your claim to a neutral adjudicator.
      More information about the claims process can be found in the settlement agreement, which is available here, and by speaking with the lawyers for Class Members (see the contact information below in FAQ #11).

      Provide as much detail and information as you remember in relation to the incidents of harm you are saying happened to you. It is okay if you do not remember details, but provide as much information as you can.

      There are many kinds of harm. This settlement only provides compensation for harms relating to sexual assault as set out in the table above in FAQ #6.

      The settlement sets out the levels and types of harm that are eligible for compensation. The claims office reads your Claim Form and will award compensation based on their assessment of which level and type of harm may apply to your claim.

    • Can I get out of the settlement now?

      The deadline to opt out of this lawsuit was September 22, 2018. If you validly opted out by this date, then you cannot ask for money from the settlement. If you did nothing, you are still in the class action, and it is too late to get out of the settlement.

    • How can I ask for money from the settlement?

      You must fill in a Claim Form and send it to the claims office by mail or email by February 27, 2025. You can get the form on the Documents tab on this website and at https://kmlaw.ca/cases/victims-ralph-rowe/.

      You can also call 1-888-353-6661 to ask for the form.

      Claims Office Address: 

      RCQ Claims Administrator
      PO Box 3355
      London, ON N6A 4K3

      Email: [email protected]

      The form gives instructions. Please read them carefully. Ask for help if you do not understand. Then complete the Claim Form, attach any required documents, and send it to the claims office. Please note that both the Class Member and Witness signatures are required to be wet ink. 

      You may get help completing your Claim from the lawyers for Class Members. The contact information for the lawyers is provided below in FAQ #11

    • Should I send anything else with the Claim Form?

      Please read the Claim Form carefully. The documents you may need to submit are identified on the form.

    • Can I get help with my Claim Form?

      Yes. Your support person or anyone else can help you fill in the form. If you have a legal guardian, they can make a claim on your behalf.

      You can also get help from the law firm for the Class Members by phone at 1-888-353-6661, or email [email protected].

      And you can get more information online at https://kmlaw.ca/cases/victims-ralph-rowe/.

    • When do I get the money?

      You must send in your form by February 27, 2025. The claims office will make a decision on your claim and determine if you will receive compensation. All compensation for claims will be made by cheque to the Class Member who made the claim or to his/her legal guardian.

      The Claims Administrator or Adjudicator needs time to make a decision on all the claims before any compensation is provided to anyone. This is also why the deadlines are important as everyone waits for all claims to be processed. The Claims Period is 15 months, with the possibility for an extension of up to 3 months. This means that no payments can be made until after 18 months.

    • Who are the lawyers for the Representative Plaintiff and Class Members?

      The lawyers for the Representative Plaintiff and Class Members are Koskie Minsky LLP of Toronto, Ontario.
      You are welcome to seek legal advice from these lawyers concerning the settlement and your claim at any time and at no cost to you. If you want to be represented by or receive advice from another lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense to appear in court for you.

    • How will the lawyers be paid?

      The lawyers who are representing the Representative Plaintiff took on this lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning that no fees were charged at any stage of the lawsuit, prior to the approval of the Settlement.

      The Court approved the legal fees and disbursements and determined that this amount was fair and reasonable. This amount was subtracted from the amount paid by the Defendants to settle the lawsuit.

    • What mental health and emotional supports are available to me now?

      Making a claim can be a difficult process. You might experience upsetting thoughts or feelings when explaining what you have been through. It may help to seek emotional support from someone you know and trust.

      If you need immediate emotional support or counselling, the following resources are available:

      • First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310
      • Indian Residential School Survivors and Family Hotline: 1-866-925-4419
      • Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566 or text 45645

      The Nishnawbe Aski Nation operates the Men's Healing Initiative, which supports survivors of abuse committed by Ralph Rowe. If you would like to know more about the Men's Healing Initiative, you may contact [email protected] or 807-624-2012.

    • Is there reimbursement for counselling costs?

      If you believe you could use the assistance of a counsellor due to stress or anxiety from making your claim, the administrator will pay you back for up to $1500 in counselling fees.  If your claim is successful, any amount that was paid back will be subtracted from your award.

    • How do I make a claim on behalf of a deceased Class Member?

      Class Members must have been alive as of May 11, 2015.

      If a Class member died after filing a claim or an Estate Claim Form is submitted on behalf of a deceased Claimant, the Estate Executor can arrange for the Estate of the deceased Claimant to receive payment. The Estate Executor needs to provide certain documentation in order to file a claim:

      • A Claim Form (if not already submitted);
      • Evidence that the Deceased Claimant is deceased and the date (for example, a death certificate); and
      • Evidence identifying that the Estate Executor has legal authority to receive compensation on behalf of the Deceased Claimant.

      For more information, please refer to Schedule E of the Settlement Agreement  “Protocol for Estate Claims and Persons Under Disability”.